Parallel Interventions cause unhandled exception

Interventions run in parallel on a project get blocked when running project as a Deploy Release step.


  • Create a project (Intervention Hangup)

  • Add several Manual Intervention steps to “Intervention Hangup” that execute in parallel

  • Create a project (Parent)

  • Add a deploy release step to “Parent” with “Intervention Hangup” as the target project

  • Create a release of “Intervention Hangup”

  • Create a release of “Parent”

  • Deploy “Intervention Hangup” by itself

    • Observe that both interventions can be executed (Proceed or Abort doesn’t matter)
  • Deploy “Parent”

    • Observe that, upon executing one intervention, other interventions can’t be executed.
    • The UI jumps to the top of the task bar
    • Selecting “cancel” on the “Intervention Hangup” temporarily displays the dialog:
      Octopus v2018.4.7 The interruption is not pending input System.InvalidOperationException at Octopus.Core.Model.ServerTasks.Interruption.CheckPending() at Octopus.Server.Web.Api.Actions.SubmitInterruptionResponder.UpdateLinkedInterruptions(Interruption interruption, IQueryExecutor queryExecutor) at Octopus.Server.Web.Api.Actions.TaskCancelResponder.CancelLinkedInterruptions(String taskId, IRelationalTransaction transaction) at Octopus.Server.Web.Api.Actions.TaskCancelResponder.ExecuteRegistered(String id) at Octopus.Server.Web.Infrastructure.Api.Responder1.Respond(TDescriptor options, NancyContext context) at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute3[T0,T1,T2,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) at Octopus.Server.Web.Infrastructure.OctopusNancyModule.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<get_Routes>b__1(Object x) at Nancy.Routing.Route.<>c__DisplayClass4.<Wrap>b__3(Object parameters, CancellationToken context)
  • “Intervention Hangup” can neither proceed or be cancelled

Hi, Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry about the long delay in getting back to you on this one. Your detailed steps on reproducing this issue are very helpful and very much appreciated!

I was able to reproduce this behaviour and have raised a Github issue. Please feel free to receive further updates by following the issue on github.

I look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

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