Output variables from manual intervention not working in email step

I’ve just added a manual intervention step to our deployment, it works well and as advertised.

When our deployment completes we have an email step and cannot get the manual intervention-specific output variables to work (as documented at the bottom of http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/display/OD/Manual+intervention+and+approvals).

Our manual intervention step is called This release is awaiting approval, and we have the following within our email step body:

  This deployment was approved by
  <a href="mailto:#{Octopus.Action[This release is awaiting approval].Output.Manual.ResponsibleUser.EmailAddress}">
    #{Octopus.Action[This release is awaiting approval].Output.Manual.ResponsibleUser.DisplayName}

The Octopus variables just appear verbatim in the email that gets sent.

What are we doing incorrectly?

(We’re using Octopus Deploy

Hi Richard,

Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately this feature (output variables for one step being available in the next) is only available in Octopus 2.4. You’ll need to upgrade to be able to access that variable.

Hope that helps!


Hi Paul,

Thanks for the quick reply - I’ve already let our sys admin team know that there’s a new version of Octopus Deploy we’d like to upgrade to, so this reason will add good fuel to that fire!

