Orphaned Tenat Deployments after upgrade to 3.13.7

After upgrading to 3.13.7 the Check System Integrity is failing with errors show below. We do not use tenants.

                    | Failed: Check System Integrity
09:26:44   Info     |   Schema...................................................... [ Passed ]
09:26:44   Info     |   Release channel belongs to the appropriate project.......... [ Passed ]
09:26:44   Error    |   Orphaned tenant deployments................................. [ Failed ]
09:26:44   Info     |   Orphaned channels........................................... [ Passed ]
09:26:44   Info     |   Only one unfrozen deployment process per project............ [ Passed ]
09:26:44   Fatal    |   One or more data errors were found.
                    |   Failed: Orphaned tenant deployments
09:26:44   Error    |     Showing top 20 of 1421 errors:
                    |     The deployment {Id: 'Deployments-1', Name: 'Deploy to DEV'} belongs to Tenant Id '' which does not exist.

Same problem here!

Hi Ceri and James,

Thanks for getting in touch! We shipped a bug in this data integrity check - we forgot to exclude un-tenanted deployments. You can consider this a “false positive” for now, and I’ve raised this GitHub Issue to fix the bug: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/3534

It should ship in the next patch of Octopus Deploy.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for the update.