Offline package drop variables file paths too long

We just started testing with offline packages, and are running into an issue where the path to the variables files are too long. Does an option to specify or change the way these are constructed exist anywhere?

Right now it’s using Offline package path \ Tenant Name \ Environment Name \ Project Name \ Release Name \ “Variables” \ “Offline Packages”.Project Name . Step Name.“variables.secret”.

Are we going to have to rename the project and all the steps just to squeeze this path down to under 255 characters?

Hi Tim,

I’m sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

Unfortunately at this time, there is no way to change the output file-path for offline files.

Your suggestion of renaming projects is a valid solution, however most Operating Systems have configuration changes that can be made, that will allow the use of long file-paths. If you can tell me what endpoint you are deploying to, I can help you track down a handy guide.

I will definitely put forward your suggestion of having customizable package deployment paths, at our next team catch-up.

Kind Regards,


Hi, for problems concerning path too long issues, I suggest you try the new long path tool. This can help you with all kinds of path too long cases