we are using Octopus 3.2.4 version. We are doing offline deployment.
The sensitive option is not selected for any of project variable(s). That’s the reason we did not even set the Sensitive-variables encryption password for the target environment.
Everything was Ok till we pushed the last release deployment .
But even though the sensitive option is not set , we are currently experiencing the following error to set the password.
“This project contains sensitive-variables, but your offline-drop target does not have an encryption password set.”
If i understand correctly the setting the encryption password is not required if we have not marked any of the variable as sensitive.
Please clarify if i am missing something.
Hi Rasmita,
Thanks for reaching out! Certain deployment features, like Windows Service, can have a custom password which is considered sensitive. That’ll be picked up during a deployment and give you the same error 
I hope that helps!
Thanks Kenny for the reply.
If the windows service password is the who is causing this why we did not see the error for our previous deployments. As windows service password was always been there.
we have gone ahead by setting the password for our deployment but the question why its different from our last deployment.
Hi Rasmita,
Great to hear it’s working after setting the password! I’m not sure what changed between your previous deployments and the recent ones. It’s possible what happened was you hit a known bug which caused a need for passwords if sensitive passwords were created then deleted. That issue was fixed in 3.3. Sadly we’d only be guessing as to what caused this - the deployment logs before the change wouldn’t give us enough information to investigate with. The solution to this error you got was precisely what you did, set a new password 
Please let us know if you have any further questions,