Odd text when deploy times out

Version 3.11.6

I had a deployment time out for some reason. When I look at the deploy screen in the app, there are two pieces of text that aren’t well formatted:

  1. If I hover over the orange clock icon, a popup says:

The task was scheduled to run Today at 2:42 PM within null but the Octopus Server attempted to run the task at Today at 2:42 PM. This can happen when the Octopus server is too busy to process the task.

Note the errors:
a) “within null”
b) “at Today at 2:42”

  1. Text appears under the “Task progress” header as follows:

The task was scheduled to run an hour ago with an expiry of but the Octopus Server attempted to run the task 0 minutes after the scheduled time.

Note the errors:
a) “expiry of but”

I don’t need any assistance or explanation - just letting you know of the issue.


Thanks very much for letting us know.

I’ve created an issue that you can track and contribute to: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/3309
