OctopusServer and Tantacle Service

Dear support,

I am looking for a drawing which describe how the Octopus Server and the Tantacle agent are working and communicating together. Do you have such schema in order to illustrate my POC presentation ?


Hi Serge,

Thanks for getting in touch! We have a few images available on our site that I think may be what you’re looking for. :slight_smile:

And in our Tentacle Communication Modes documentation page.

I hope this helps and your presentation goes well! Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns moving forward.

Best regards,


Thanks for your reply kenny,

few technical questions still

Q1 : When Tantackle is in Listening mode it is mentioned that Octopus Server it connecting to TCP port when their is something to deploy. But who is actually deploying the packqge in that scenario, does Octopus Deploy connect to tcp port and send to Tantacle service the package, which is then deploy to target by Tantacle service or is it in reverse ?

Q2 : When using listening mode with tantacle service, does that service need to be install on each target physical target machine or only on the Server whewre octopus is installed ?

Thanks for this clarification

Hi Serge,

You’re very welcome!

Q1: Listening Tentacles listen to the trusted Octopus Server on the TCP port to respond to deployments you trigger from your Octopus Server. In Listening mode, the Tentacle is the TCP server, so the Octopus Server connects to it and sends the package(s) as defined in your deployment process.

Q2: The Tentacle agent needs to be installed on each target server that you’re wanting to deploy to.

I hope this helps! Let me know how you go or if you have any further questions. :slight_smile:

Best regards,


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