Octopus.Version.Channel.NextBuild not incrementing

Hi, we use a project to deploy a number of other projects together.
We use " #{Octopus.Version.Channel.LastMajor}.#{Octopus.Version.Channel.LastMinor}.#{Octopus.Version.Channel.LastPatch}.#{Octopus.Version.Channel.NextBuild}" to try to get an incrementing release number, but #{Octopus.Version.Channel.NextBuild} doesn’t increment.

I’ve looked for documentation on #{Octopus.Version.Channel.NextBuild}, but couldn’t find anything. Is this a valid approach and variable?

Hi Richard,

Thanks for getting in touch!

When testing this I’m seeing the same behaviour as you, and it does seem unusual. I’ve queried this with our engineers to see if they can confirm whether this is intended or not.


Hi Richard,

It does look like this might be a bug, we did notice that the next option in the chain did increment though. So, switching NextBuild for NextRevision should get this working for you.


Thanks Paul. I’ll look at using that in the short-term. Richard

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