Octopus Variables removing host and port on staging enviroment

I have added variables for the network host and port and assigned these to my live enviroment.

<network host="#{_host}" port="#{_Port}" />

This means they have been left blank for my staging enviroment and not assigned and this is stopping the forms from running and its being added to the enviroment config-

<network host="" port="" />

Do I need to include a bit of powershell to delete this line for the staging enviroment and then add it back in for the live enviroment? im not really sure about this?

Hi Harriet!

Removing a line from a config is best handled by using a Configuration Transform, which will apply modifications to your files based on different environments in the deployment process.

If you would like to take a look at https://octopus.com/docs/deployment-process/configuration-features/configuration-transforms - you will get a detailed run-down of using this feature and how you can apply it to your own pipeline.

For your specific example: Once Configuration Transforms is enabled and configured in your deployment step, you could use a transform along these lines to remove the line from the Web.config when the project is deployed to Staging:

<network host="#{_host}" port="#{_Port}" />

<network host="#{_host}" port="#{_Port}" xdt:Transform="RemoveAll"/>

I hope this helps with your problem, and if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know!

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