After upgrading to the latest packages (Octopus.0.9.511.2528), the Octopus.Server.exe process on the main octopus server seems to be having problems.
When a new deployment is created, the server process begins using all available processor usage and never picks up the deployment. It just sits saying “Queued”. If I restart the octopus server service, it picks up the deployment right away and deploys it.
It seems as if when attempting to start a deployment something is caught in an endless loop.
Seen this before? Is there any logs on the server I can provide to narrow down the problem?
Hi Sean,
That is new and obviously isn’t good. I’ll look into it tonight and try to get a fix out
Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Sean Chambers
Sent: 23/11/2011 13:50
To: Paul Stovell
Subject: Octopus.Server.exe processor usage [Problems]
Hi Sean,
Sadly I haven’t been able to reproduce this tonight, and none of the code in the related areas has been touched in the last release. Can I get you to try the following:
- Stop the Octopus service, and start it up interactively (just double-click Octopus.Server.exe with an account that has permissions to access the database)
- Queue the deployment
- See how far it gets - it should start with ‘Executing task: xyz’
- If that never happens, restart the process, and this time go to the environments page and click ‘Check health’ - this will start a different task but it goes through the same pipeline
- Check the event log on the Octopus server
- If possible, use the SQL Profiler on the Octopus database to see what queries the Octopus.Server is executing against it - it should be an ‘update Octopus.Task…’ query
Can you also let me know whether the SQL Server instance is on the same machine as the Octopus.Server, and which version/edition of SQL Server you are using?
I tried to duplicate the issue again and it seems to have resolved itself. I’ll keep an eye on the interactive window and if it happens again I will follow up with more information in the areas you described below.
Thanks Paul!