I’m sorry about the confusion you’ve hit here. Unfortunately migrating projects between spaces isn’t something that’s currently possible with the migrator.
The PackageFeedSpaceId is used as a temporary storage location for the export package, and then when the items are imported they are imported based on the SpaceId property on each individual document (in your case they cam from Spaces-1 so they end up back in Spaces-1).
Adding this ability is something we’re certainly planning on implementing into the migrator in the future, and you can track the progress of this feature at the following link.
That issue also has a comment outlining a potential manual workaround to get a project into another space. I haven’t tested it myself, but might be worth testing out.
I’m sorry it’s not better news! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions going forward.
I developed a python client tool to migrate the whole space to another space. This tool can also migrate the space to another space on different server. I will share the tool if company allows.
Thanks for getting in touch. That sounds awesome, and we’d be interested in having a look at it! It sounds like it might be quite helpful to a number of users.
Thanks for getting back in touch and sharing! That looks fantastic. I’m sure it will be useful to others who come across this thread, and I look forward to giving it a try myself.
If you have any questions or concerns in the future, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
@Kenneth_Bates feel free to let me know if anything is missing on clone and other functions. Clone is a bit complicate and I may miss something there. At least it could not clone logo images and packages yet.