Octopus enalblement for VS2008 project

Hi, i’ve implemented octopack for VS2010 project a lot of times. But wanted to know if nuget and octopack supports VS2008 project and if yes please provide me with the link to that thread.

Hi Hemanth,

Unfortunately we believe this will not work with VS2008 just based on the fact it did not have strong NuGet support.
However if your build process has an output directory for all the files that you require for your deployment you can still package them.

Octo.exe has a pack command which is a blind pack for a directory to create a NuGet package.

Nuget.exe has a pack command and requires a NuSpec file to be created, which means that you get to define the exact files to be packed or even those to be excluded.

Both of these options can be scripted.
