Octopus Deploy for Jira for non-cloud

Hi! We are working trying to better integrate our apps (Jira/TeamCity/Octopus).
We got the part where Octopus is correctly parsing the Jira tickets in the comments from releases generated by TeamCity working fine.
Then I found “Octopus Deploy for Jira” in the Atlassian Marketplace (https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1220376/octopus-deploy-for-jira?hosting=cloud&tab=support) and noticed that the Jira-to-Octopus piece only works.
Do you have any plans to release it for other platforms? We run Jira in our server and would love to have the “Deployments” section/functionality available to us too.


Hi Javier,

Thanks for getting in touch!

We would love to be able to provide full functionality for Jira server, however, Atlassian only made the required APIs available for Jira Cloud so our hands are currently tied on this.


Thanks for the immediate reply! Anything we as users of both platforms can do to try and make that happen? :slight_smile:

I believe it is something that Atlassian is aware of, but another user nudging them about it can’t hurt. The specific requirement is the Deployment module being made available for on-premise access.


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