Octopus deploy for IOS and android ( IPA and APK files)


We are building IOS and android apps using ionic platform. I have the IOS ( .ipa file ) and Android (.apk ) file generated in the team city.
I am looking ways to use octopus deploy to upload these packages . Is there current’y support for that.?Like creating a .nuspec or creating a package out of ipa or apr files?



Thanks for reaching out.

You can use TeamCity’s Nuget Pack and then Nuget Publish steps to create the package and then push it to your feed.


Thanks for the reply . So do we run these commands on .ipa and . A ok files? We do not have.sln or . Csproj file as it is a ionic web app.

First you’ll need to build your .ipa and .apk files so they are in disc. Then use the Nuget Pack step to pack them and send the packages to a custom directory. Then use the Nuget Publish step to push the packages from the custom dir where you dropped them, to your repository.

Great… Will try that.


I am getting this error whne I use nuget pack commamd on .apk file that I have generated.

nuget pack build/outputs/apk/ra.mobile.herogov2.0-release.apk

Please specify a nuspec or project file to use.

Thanks for the help,

Sorry I totally forgot that you need to use a .nuspec file for that. You can either

A) Add that Nuspec file.

B) Use Octo.exe pack, which allows you to pack files from disk without the need of a nuspec file. This is the recommended approach for scenarios like yours.

Cool. So Just be clear I can take the approach b. Where I say
Octo.exe pack build/outputs/apk/ra.mobile.herogov2.0-release.apk command to create a package .



Correct. Approach B would suit better for your non-dotnet project.

Cool… Will try it out


I am running the command on the mac and I am getting this error.

OctopusTools/octo.exe pack build/outputs/apk/ra.mobile.herogov2.0-release.apk
-bash: OctopusTools/octo.exe: cannot execute binary file.

The .apk and .ipa files are binaries created.


Hi Nandini,

You need to run Octo.exe for a directory, not for a specific file. See how to use it on this doc: http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/display/OD/Using+Octo.exe



I need some help with the mono command not being found on a mac tentacle, I saw this post

followed everything. But no luck. I have added my error too. Could you please help me?


From: Nandini Nadig
Sent: May 25, 2016 10:24 AM
To: ‘Dalmiro Grañas’ tender2+d8f23cc0fc@tenderapp.com
Subject: RE: Octopus deploy for IOS and android ( IPA and APK files) [Questions #8104]

I am running the command on the mac and I am getting this error.

OctopusTools/octo.exe pack build/outputs/apk/ra.mobile.herogov2.0-release.apk
-bash: OctopusTools/octo.exe: cannot execute binary file.

The .apk and .ipa files are binaries created.


Hi Nandini,

Are you still having the problem we were previously talking about in this ticket, or is this a new one?

If possible please try to keep each issue on its own ticket so its easier to track for us and for anyone else looking for help with this subjects.

I’m gonna put the SSH ticket back on the queue so it gets answered by one of us.


Thanks. It is the new one . But somebody had faced the same issure.

That’s ok. Someone will get back to you on that other ticket which is covering a single topic.
