Octopus Deploy Extension for VS Team Services Build does not work for Release definitions

I have a build that compiles a .Net project, runs unit tests, and creates a NuGet package. From there, I’ve setup a release definition (via the RELEASE tab for the Octopus deploy stuff. Unfortunately, the ‘Octopus-CreateRelease.ps1’ script fails on the line ‘$fileLocation = Join-Path -Path $env:BUILD_STAGINGDIRECTORY -ChildPath “release-notes-$fileguid.md”’ in the Create-ReleaseNotes function. The failue is due to the BUILD_STAGINGDIRECTORY variable not being present in a release definition.

I’ve created a temporary workaround by changing the script to use $env:SYSTEM_ARTIFACTSDIRECTORY, but this will likely get overwritten anytime the extension is updated. Could you guys please fix it on your end?

Hi Todd,

Thanks for getting in touch. I’ve confirmed the bug and created a Github issue in the OctoTFS repo (it’s open source) to get it fixed. You can track it’s progress at the following URL.

Thanks again!
