I can see it in our outgoing mailbox. Your message was a reply to an earlier message, so the title was a bit different to the subject here. Anyway, I’ll copy the response here, it might help others that way too.
Could I just check, are you using the Jenkins extension or are you calling octo.exe from a script step yourself? You can specify a specific version for a package either way, the mechanics are just slightly different.
If you’re using the extension you can use the UI to either set the Default package version (which works if your deployment process only has 1 package or the packages are a set with matching version numbers) or to set the individual versions for the individual packages.
If you’re using octo.exe directly then what you’re after are the --defaultpackageversion or the --package options.
Both of these work if the version you’re referring to is something like 1.0.7 vs 1.0.10. I’m not an expert with Maven feeds, but my understanding is that for SNAPSHOTs within a version you can only use the current snapshot, you can’t specify an earlier snapshot.
Could I also just confirm what CIT and SIT are? We usually refer to promoting in Octopus as promotion between environments, so I’m wondering if they are environments and this is what you mean?
If they are environments, do you have Jenkins triggering the promote somehow or are you just doing that in Octopus itself?
For example, a typical process I’d use would be to have Jenkins just build the packages, push them to Octopus, and create a release in Octopus for that version. So I might have releases 1.0.7 and 1.0.10 from the earlier version number examples. I can then go to those releases in Octopus and deployment them to an environment without running anything in Jenkins.
Regarding question 2, unfortunately we don’t currently have a specific standalone step for pushing a package to Azure Blob storage. My recommendation would be to use an Azure PowerShell step in conjunction with the Packages in Script Step feature. This will let you get the package and use the Azure PowerShell cmdlets to push it to the storage account you need.
I hope that helps and if I can assist further just let me know.