Octopus CLI tool Version issue in Azure Devops Release Definition

We are seeing below issue while pushing the package or creating the release in octopus from the azure Devops Release definition.


To work around for this issue we have added the embedded Octopus CLI tool step in one of the Azure DevOps Release definition but it’s very complicated to manage and add in all the release definition if you guys have any alternate solution please let me know.


Kind Regards,
Micheál Power

Hi @mikepower79,

Thanks for getting in touch!

The error looks like it may be something environmental on your build agent that is preventing it from authenticating the certificate.
Are you using self-hosted Azure Dev Ops or the cloud version? And is the build agent a machine that you control?

If it is, are you able to log in to the build agent, using whichever user the ADO service runs as, and try accessing the download link provided in the log?


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