I’m using Octopus.Client, and noticed following while fetching set of Tasks by Ids.
Code block is similar to follow (some stuff has been removed here, for simplicity),
var endpoint = new OctopusServerEndpoint("URL", "ApiKey");
var _client = await OctopusAsyncClient.Create(endpoint);
var tasks = await _client.Repository.Tasks.Get("ServerTasks-100", "ServerTasks-101");
Then I noticed, all the tasks are being loaded from the server, instead of specified two tasks.
I checked this with fiddler and related request is similar to follow:
For the above request there are 30 items in the response (which should be only 2).
Then there were 3 consecutive requests to load rest of the tasks.
I guess this is not the way it should work. Simply this should load only two tasks.
Or did I missed something here?