Octopus and Proget

We use Proget as private Nuget server and we found the Octopus display or download any nuget files can’t.
In the logfiles we found this:

Octopus request:
/nuget/test/Packages() $filter=(substringof(%27application%27,tolower(Id))%20or%20((Title%20ne%20null)%20and%20substringof(%27application%27,tolower(Title))))%20and%20(IsLatestVersion%20or%20IsAbsoluteLatestVersion)&$top=10

Nuget.exe request:
/nuget/test/Search() $filter=IsLatestVersion&$orderby=Id&$skip=0&$top=30&searchTerm='Application'&targetFramework=''&includePrerelease=false

somebody has an idea?


It might be related to this issue:



we found a solution for us.
If we enter the hole name of the package Proget give us an result.