OctoPack cannot run because NuGet packages were restored prior to the build

I have spent a great many hours on trying to figure this one out and my research has turned up fruitless. In a similar question someone says see this link to get it working with TFS http://docs.nuget.org/docs/reference/package-restore-with-team-build

However at the top of that link is the following: For Team Foundation Build 2013 on-premises and Visual Studio Online (formerly Team Foundation Service), the default Build Process Templates already implement the NuGet Package Restore workflow without any special configuration. The following information only applies to Team Foundation Build 2012 and earlier, or to Build Process Templates that have been customized and had the NuGet Restore functionality removed.

According to that it should be working fine for me as I use Visual Studio Online. Thoughts?

This error seems a bit misleading “…because NuGet packages were restored prior to the build”, isn’t that exactly what we want to happen? You want OctoPack downloaded and available so that by the time the build starts it’s there.

Hi Nick,

Thanks for getting in touch!
I have seen your comments on some of our Blog posts, which I will make a comment on shortly.
Those blog posts, specifically the one about OctoPack and TFSpreview are out of date. 2012 and many many versions ago.
I am wondering if you were able to stumble upon our current TFS and OctoPack documentation, and if this will help you resolve the issues you are having:

TFS: http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/display/OD/Team+Foundation+Server
OctoPack: http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/display/OD/Using+OctoPack

If the error/s persist screenshots will really help us determine where the issue may be and how to help you resolve them.

Let me know how you go and if you have seen these updated documentation pages.

Hi Vanessa,

I actually recently figured it out and it was an issue with Nuget and my project.

On a side note I notice that there is a handful of documentation out there that is outdated and was wondering if there was a way for me to contribute to bring the information up to date?

For example the articles here https://octopusdeploy.com/blog/using-octopus-and-tfs-builds are out of date and I spent a lot of time reading through them, trial and error before realizing that there were easier ways. It would be nice if there was a way to allow the community to edit the page.


Hi Nick,

Appreciate that you made that comment on the blog post.
I will start a discussion here about what to do with the old content.
The documentation that we maintain stays up to date and is constantly updated, like the stuff I linked you before.
Blog posts are slightly different due to being more announcements and showcases.
But I do agree something needs to be done here even if its a notice at the top about the date of the content.
