Greetings. Having a small issue getting “octo push” to work as intended.
We have 2 spaces in our octopus instance: “Default” and “vNext”. When pushing packages from our Jenkins build-server using the following command:
octo push
The packages get pushed to the repository of the “Default” space. We want to somehow be able to push our .zip to the “vNext” space. How can we do this?
We are using octo.exe ver4.45.0 (latest at the time of this writing) with the latest Octopus server. Here’s the output we receive from the mis-push operation:
OctopusTools> octo push --server="http://localhost:8888/api/Space-2/packages/raw?replace=true" --apiKey="API-XXXXXX" --package=".\vNext.Backend.QA.[x.y.z.d].Zip" --replace-existing
Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 4.45.0
Detected automation environment: "NoneOrUnknown"
Handshaking with Octopus Server: http://localhost:8888/api/Space-2/packages/raw?replace=true
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2019.1.6; API version: 3.0.0
Authenticated as: ....
Pushing package: C:\...vNext.Backend.QA.0001.00.00.00084.Zip...
Requesting signature for delta compression from the server for upload of a package with id 'vNext.Backend.QA' and version '0001.00.00.00084'
No package with the same ID exists on the server
Falling back to pushing the complete package to the server
Package transfer completed
Push successful