Octo.exe PACK

It seems that the Octo.exe Pack process changes the file time stamps from the local time of compilation to what appears to be UTC time.

Is there away to maintain the local time stamp on the files during the PACK process?


Thanks for getting in touch. Are you using Octo.exe to make a .nupkg file or a .zip file? For .nupkg files we use the offficial nuget libraries under the covers and have no control over timestamps, however we have much more control over the .zip creation.



Sorry, I’ve looked into this a little further and we handle packing ourselves in Octo.exe regardless of the format. I’ve created a bug in our tracker here: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/3007 to get this resolved. Could you still let me know if you are making a .nupkg or .zip? I saw UTC issues with .zips and different issues with .nupkgs in my testing.


Hi Mark,

Thanks for the response.

We are making zip files when packaging.



I’ve just released version 4.2.5 of Octo.exe which should fix this issue. Let me know if it doesn’t.


Hi Mark,

Just tested 4.5.0 of Octo.exe. Looks good. The file date and time remained the same as the compile date and time.

So for now, I will need to copy the new Octo.exe to the OctoPack TFS task location on the build server and overwrite the version that comes with the Octopus Deploy Build and Release Tasks 1.2.81.

Any idea when the task will be updated in the Visual Studio Marketplace?

Thanks again for fixing this.

Robert Blischke

Hi Robert,

The TFS Tasks are updated and almost ready to go, but are just waiting on one last thing. We’re hopeful of a release by the end of the week.
