Octo.exe - creating a release with multiple packages

I have a couple of Nuget packages that need to go into a release.
I’m trying to create it using the following command:

octo.exe create-release --server="http://aque-build:9000/" --apikey=SECRET --project="LivePlayerDemo" --enableservicemessages --deployto="Development" --waitfordeployment --force --package=Aqueduct.MDC.Web: --package=Aqueduct.MDC.Web.Azure:

Here’s the output:
Octopus Command Line Tool, version

Finding project: LivePlayerDemo
Handshaking with Octopus server: http://aque-build:9000/api
Handshake successful. Octopus version:; API version: 2.0.0
Finding environments…
Finding steps for project…
A --version parameter was not specified, so a version number was automatically selected based on the highest package ver
Release plan for release:

Name Version Source

1 Deploy LivePlayer Website User specified

Creating release…
Bad request {
“errors”: [
“Please select specify a version for the following packages: 4ad60499-ac0e-40d3-8d22-355511a9e9cd”
System.Exception: Bad request {
“errors”: [
“Please select specify a version for the following packages: 4ad60499-ac0e-40d3-8d22-355511a9e9cd”
at OctopusTools.Client.OctopusSession.ReadResponse(WebRequest request)
at OctopusTools.Client.OctopusSession.Create[TResource](String path, TResource resource)
at ProjectExtensions.CreateRelease(IOctopusSession session, Project project, IList’1 latestVersions, String version,
String releaseNotes)
at OctopusTools.Commands.CreateReleaseCommand.Execute()
at OctopusTools.Infrastructure.CommandProcessor.Process(String[] args)

Any ideas?



Is it possible that your project contains an FTP or Azure step? My guess is that you may be running an older version of Octo.exe or Octopus that doesn’t correctly handle these step types when choosing packages.


Hi Paul,

Yes, there is an Azure step involved…

I’ve downloaded the latest version of Octo.exe from here, but that doesn’t seem to have fixed it.

The version of octo.exe on that page seems to be a few numbers back from the server and tentacle ones. Is that a problem?


Hi Neil,

Yes, I’ll get a new release out shortly. For now you may need to put the
Azure step in a seperate project.


Paul Stovell
Octopus Deploy
W: octopusdeploy.com | T: @octopusdeploy http://twitter.com/octopusdeploy