Octo.exe can not find project

Version Octopus deploy : 3.16.0

I use the octo.exe below command line
Octo.exe create-release --project KPP.Bastjänster --version --packageversion --server http://tfs.intern.xe/octopus --apikey API-XXXXXXXXXXXX --waitfordeployment --channel PV2.1

When I use the latest octo.exe 4.22.0 I get this error message:
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 3.16.0; API version: 3.0.0
Could not find a project named ‘KPP.Bastjänster’; either it does not exist or you lack permissions to view it.

I discoverd that if I use Octo.exe 4.2.4 it works fine!

Any Ideas why?


Thanks for reaching out! This seems to be related to the character ä. I was able to reproduce this in the latest Octo.exe, and just like you mentioned it seems to work just fine in Octo.exe 4.2.4.

I’ve logged a github issue to get this fixed which you can follow over here: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/3718

The easiest workaround would be to rename the project momentarily until we fix this to support that character.

Best regards,

Great, thanks! // Johan Tsung

2017-08-03 17:17 GMT+02:00 Dalmiro Grañas tender2+d86ce76c25@tenderapp.com


This has been resolved in Octopus Command Line version 4.22.1, available at https://octopus.com/downloads.


Great! Thanks I will try it out. // JT

Hi, Ben! We have tried this fix in serveral projects and it works fine,
just fyi! // JT