Nuget version changed by octo.exe

We are wrapping application into nuget and push into external package feeder(Nexus) for Octopus.
We used Octopus “Package Application” step in VSTS to perform packaging.

The run time log shown as below:
2017-03-02T20:38:52.4126482Z ##[command]“D:\a_tasks\OctopusPack_179fac12-2402-486e-80cf-5a6a8571f7c0\1.2.81\Octo.exe” pack --id=“EventProcessor.RM” --format=NuPkg --version=170302.2-develop --outFolder=“D:\a\1\a” --basePath=“D:\a\1\s\deploy\template” --author="" --title="" --description=“Commit f869a22f” --releaseNotes="" --releaseNotesFile=“D:\a\1\s” --overwrite=False

After the packaging, in the nuspec file within the package, version is shown as following, a tailing “.0” is added to the version number

If I create my own nuspec file and pack with nuget.exe, “170302.2-develop” serves fine for version. Unfortunately it takes many steps in build to make that work and I hope this can be achieved by using the Octopus step.


Are you hosting your own VSTS? If so can you try updating your Octopus plugin? The Octo.exe in our current release seems to handle this correctly?

If you are on hosted VSTS can you tell me which version of the plugin it is showing you have?


Hi Mark,

We are using the online one, and the extension is installed from VSTS market place. Seems our extension is out dated. I will find someone who have permission to update it and get back to you. Thank you for pointing to the right direction.


I believe I have the latest available now from market place, still have the same issue.


Hi Kai,

Can you send me the Octo.exe command line from your logs with the updated plugin? The same as you sent in your first post?


I think I got it.
It didn’t change after the extension is updated. Seems the VSTS now holds both versions of extension installed and I need to go into each of existing build job and find the package step then select the new octopus extension version for it.
After that, nuget version number works as expected.
So far I haven’t discovered a way to either automatically bring them all up to date or remove the old version in VSTS, but that is not the scope of this problem.

Thank you so much for your help!


Hi Kai,

I thought this might have been it. Version 2 had a breaking change (we have a proper Octopus server endpoint now). VSTS recently added a feature where changing the major version of your extension lets people upgrade manually, so they have time to fix any issues.

There is a little more info on the changes in a blog post here:
