Notification about release creation

Is it possible to perform notifications about release creation?
Before I started to play with tenants the Overview page was very informative because there were blocks for each channel and it was easy for testers to see when new releases were created by TeamCity.
After switching on tenant deployments the Overview page significantly changed and there is no clear way to see new releases (only filter combo-box). I tried to turn on auto-deployment during release creation and add a manual intervention step after sending notification about the new release, but this leads to a lot of deployments started and left on that approval step, so these releases are not deleted by retention policies.


Thanks for getting in touch! We have a feature that sounds perfect for your scenario! In Octopus 3.5, we introduced Subscriptions. With them, you can ‘subscribe’ to audited events (like creating a release), and get email or webhook notifications when those events happen in Octopus. Then you can avoid having to use the email and manual intervention steps altogether :slight_smile:

You can read more details about Subscriptions in our documentation and in our blog, which we wrote introducing them when we added this feature. The blog post includes a simple guide to get you going as well.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions.


Hi, Kenneth!

Thank you for your suggestion. I have found ‘Subscriptions’ page, but there is no event like “Release Created”.


Sorry I didn’t clearly address the fact that no specific Create Release event filter exists within the audit & Subscriptions. It’s considered a Document Created event, though other events (for example when you create a Project) also fall within Document Created. Using just that filter may not be ideal.

A possible option you could consider is using the filters in a way to narrow down the events applicable to your Subscription. For example, select a specific Project and a specific User, and you’ll only receive events related to that Project and done by that User (which will include Create Release). You can use more filters in addition to that as well :slight_smile:

Let me know if you have any further questions!


Hi, Kenny.
Thank you, I wrote my own webhook handler where I’m checking event type.
Now it works well!


That’s great to hear! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions :slight_smile:

Best regards,
