New vs Existing Project Shows Different Screens

I’ve added a new project and I was trying to create a Deploy NuGet package step and I was trying to base it on how an existing project looked, but the new step screen looks slightly different. A former employee setup the existing project years ago and I am not familiar with Octopus Deploy, but I am learning.

For the new step I see sections for Configuration Variables and Configuration transforms, but I don’t see these sections on the existing project. See attached screenshots.

What are these sections and do I need to use them?

Also, for the existing project TeamCity produces a single NuGet feed, but the new project is producing TWO NuGet feeds. This is probably because of how the projects are setup in Visual Studio. Basically one of the projects is a public facing site and the other is an admin portal.

In Octopus, I can apparently only choose a single NuGet feed per project, so I wanted to confirm if that’s the case and I’ll need TWO new projects setup in Octopus?


I was actually able to figure out why the screens were different, so I really only need the 2nd question answered. Thanks!

Hi Chris,

Thanks for getting in touch! As you have solved your first question I’ll just strait to the second one. :slight_smile:

From what I can see it looks like you need to configure multiple steps for your project. With Octopus, you can configure a single NuGet feed per step inside your project, so you will need to make a new step for each individual feed/package you wish to use. I have attached some screenshots showing you my project with two steps, each having different feeds and packages.

The first screenshot steps.png shows both of my package steps in the project, with the steps named NuGet Feed 1 and NuGet Feed2.

The next two screenshots (Feed1.png and Feed2.png) show you inside each step, where one is told to use the OctoFX Local feed and the other is using the Octopus built in repository, though you can define any other feeds you have in this section.

We also have some information on how you can manage the package repositories used by Octopus, if you have not check it out yet, it has some great information.

Let me know if that helps. If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Best regards,