Moving Octopus to new server


I am planning to move a Octopus Server version 3.11.16 to a new server and SQL server.
Unfortunately the SQL server version will be changing from SQL 2014 Express to SQL 2012 Enterprise.
I am aware that SQL databases cannot be restored to earlier versions.
Will I be able to migrate the server data using the data migration wizard detailed here


Hi Jason,

Thanks for getting in touch! We would actually recommend using SQL methods for this purpose as the data will remain the most unchanged. While you are correct regarding not being able to restore to earlier versions is using a “Detach and Attach” method suitable?

If the above isn’t possible in your scenario then yes the migrator will be your next best method. Over the time we hae found small inconsistencies, and it will change all the data at least from an ID point of view when it is migrated so I would suggest checking the above method first.
I would suggest that you use the command line and employ the task logs flag

Please let me know if you have any issues or questions :slight_smile: