I am trying to figure how how can I move a prepackage nupkg file (created in previous step in TC) and push it to Octopus.
I am not looking for TC to recreate the package with this command “/**/* => abb.nupkg”. I am looking to take “C:\aaa\bbc.nupkg” and push it into Octopus and down the road to ProGet.
I am using:
Team City v2018.2.2.61245
Octopus v2018.10.1 LTS
You can reference existing files in the OctopusDeploy: Push Packages step. As an example, in the screenshot below you can see the file C:\aaa\bbc.nupkg referenced directly in the step.
I just learned that have multiple Octopus variable within an Octopus variable - it does not resolve correctly. The screen shot below is what I have in the step field “Package Path”
The lack of a --package argument to the octo push command indicates that Team City could not resolve the supplied package paths to a file. Paths that don’t exist are ignored, and in this case because there is just one path, this means no packages are passed to the octo push command.
I would recommend adding a Powershell step before the Octopus Push step to print the value of any variables you are using, and to verify that the files exist. In the screenshot below I have a simple Powershell step that prints the value of the %teamcity.build.workingDir% variable, and uses a ls command to verify that the file exists.