Missing environments on dashboard v3.2

I’m on version 3.2 and have a weird issue occurring.

I have:
· 3 environments
· 4 projects
· Across 3 deployment targets

But I’m only seeing one environment on the dashboard.

Thank you,

Hi Josh,

Thanks for reaching out. Are the Environments part of the Lifecycle being used by that project? You can check this by going to Projects -> [your project] -> Process and then looking at the Lifecycle preview on the right side of the screen (see attached screenshot). You need to have the 3 environments on the Lifecycle if you want them to show up on the dashboard.



That was it. One more thing, what is the minimum version of powershell needed on the server for octopus to work? I can’t find it anywhere on the website.

Thank you,


Hi Josh,

2.0 is the bare minimum for Octopus to work. But as soon as you start using Powershell steps, you’ll want to features of newer Powershell versions (been there). If possible try to have Version 3 or greater.



I had the same issue, and this was the fix. But what’s strange is that only one of the projects needs to have a lifecycle with all the environments. The moment I changed the lifecycle on one of the projects, releases for all the projects started showing up in all the environments.

Recognize this thread is old but wanted to share my related issue. We use channels to deploy from multiple branches into different environments. A channel is associated with a lifecycle, so in theory across all channels my project can deploy to all environments. However, the dashboard appears to only pull from the “process” lifecycle, which in theory is irrelevant since we always deploy through a channel.

Is the workaround to created a “fake” lifecycle containing all environments and associate that at the process level?

Additionally, once it a project it would be nice if the “Overview” screen could be filtered by channel. This gets very hard to comprehend when there are lots of releases going out through multiple channels and multiple environments.


Hi Brian,

At the moment adding a “fake” placeholder is the best way around this. This behavior is something we are aware of, and that we plan to change in the feature. But given that we are working hard on a couple of features for 3.4 that might redefine what users would like to see in the dashboard, we are not gonna make any changes to it until after we release this version.

Once that happens, we’ll have a team meeting (or even post an RFC) to discuss the design of the Dashboard and the Project Overview page.


Thanks for the update. Look forward to the upcoming changes.

You can try change Project Lifecycle used by default for the project:

Click Process under your project, see the Project Lifecycle on the right, which is the default lifecycle for the project. The environments under this lifecycle shows in dashboard. (It seems this lifecycle is not synchronized with the lifecycle used in default channel, Octopus needs to fix this issue). Pick up a lifecycle which includes all environments you want to see at dashboard and click “Apply” button.