Markdown problems

Markdown problem 1

As I understand markdown you should be able to enter raw html. However, when I tried to make a <table> with some information about one of my projects, the Octupus Deploy server responded with an error, ala: “A potentially dangerous Request.Forms value was detected…” Of course this is due to standard request validation, but I propose that no user input should result in a server error. It might result in an informative input error but not a server error. Expected result: Either the table tag should be html encoded or even better, be rendered as i typed it. :slight_smile:

Markdown problem 2

After my table failure I tried to format my data differently. However the following input does not render correctly according to the markdown syntax page (note: first 2 lines ends with 2 spaces):
Head1: Value1
Head2: Value2
Head3: Value3

Expected result

Head1: Value1
Head2: Value2
Head3: Value3

Actual result

Head1: Value1
**Head2:** Value2
**Head3:** Value3

Note, your support system handles both these cases correctly… See above and below. :wink:

Head1 Value1
Head2 Value2
Head3 Value3

Hi Johannes,

Thanks for the bug report, I’ll fix this and include it in the next release.


Jeg er på ferie indtil onsdag d. 22/8.

Hvis du har brug for hjælp kontakt da venligst Henrik Liljegren på mail


Hi Johannes,

This is now fixed:


Hi Paul,

I’ve been on vacation, so I apologize for the late reply.

I’ve just tested the two problems in version Problem 1 seems to be fixed and the markdown now lets html elements through. Great! However problem 2 still persists. I know this is not a critical error or anything, and I definitely don’t expect you to spend any time fixing it unless you get REALLY bored some day. :slight_smile:

Just sayin’ :wink:
