Manual Intervention Step for Approval - sending email

Hey guys is there any nice solution for getting the Manual Intervention Step to send an email to the approver’s group so that they know there’s a step requiring intervention? Otherwise there’s really no way for them to know which is a problem.

Hi @pnolan,

Thanks for getting in touch! We do have a solution for this! You are able to take advantage of our Subscriptions feature here.

Essentially this feature will let you subscribe to events that happen in Octopus and as a result, send an email or hit a webhook with the event details. One of the events you can subscript to is Document Type: Interruption.

The above documentation I linked to has a lot more detailed information.

If you have any further questions here or run into any issues, please let me know. :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Thanks heaps!

Hi @pnolan,

No worries at all! Please feel free to get in touch at any time.

Best regards,