Making deployment step obligatory


We have integrated some security checks into out build process, using PowerShell scripts. This however, is not a watertight solution, since it is possilbe to disable steps when starting our deployment.

In order to guarantee these checks are performed, we should be able to configure the build process in such a way that these steps can not be skipped. Is it possible to configure a process that way?


Hi Aron,

Thanks for getting in touch!

Unfortunately this feature is not something that is supported by Octopus at this time. What I would recommend at this point would be to review the following user voices (our method for community feedback) and making sure you up vote them as appropriate as this is the best gauge that we have for feature priority.

You may notice that some of these requests have been pending for a few years and have yet to receive a large number of up votes or engagement. This tells us that while this feature is important to some of our users, it is not a requirement for the vast majority. As implementing this feature would come with a large cost in increasing complexity (new security models, UI to engage etc) and once you consider the current complexity around our user security roles (especially once you introduce multi-tenanted environments) we currently don’t have enough user engagement to justify the effort involved.

Sorry that this isn’t the answer you are looking for,



Hi Alex,

Thanks for the quick reply.

Indeed this does not really help us solve our issue, but I can empathize with your argument regarding the complexity such a feature would bring.

We will try to find a different solution.
