Local Machine IIS Thumbprint


I have successfully set up https IIS configuration for some integration environments but I am now trying to configure for a local developer machine.

I am using the default IIS Certificate (“IIS Express Development Certificate”) that is pre-installed.
I have ensured there is no erroneous space in the Thumbprint
I have tried with * and blank for the IP Address

I am getting:

Finding SSL certificate with thumbprint f6 e3 72 88 b8 50 a1 ea 9f 67 91 2f c1 69 26 2d 5e c2 4f 2b
Error    14:22:59
Could not find certificate under Cert:\LocalMachine with thumbprint f6 e3 72 88
Error    14:22:59
 b8 50 a1 ea 9f 67 91 2f c1 69 26 2d 5e c2 4f 2b. Make sure that the certificat
Error    14:22:59
e is installed to the Local Machine context and that the private key is availab
Error    14:22:59
Error    14:22:59
At C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Scripts\Octopus.Features.IISWebSite
Error    14:22:59
_BeforePostDeploy.ps1:107 char:14
Error    14:22:59
+         throw <<<<  "Could not find certificate under Cert:\LocalMachine with
Error    14:22:59
 thumbprint $sslCertificateThumbprint. Make sure that the certificate is instal
Error    14:22:59
led to the Local Machine context and that the private key is available."
Error    14:22:59
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (Could not find ...y is availa 
Error    14:22:59
   ble.:String) [], RuntimeException
Error    14:22:59
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Could not find certificate under Cert:\LocalMach 
Error    14:22:59
   ine with thumbprint f6 e3 72 88 b8 50 a1 ea 9f 67 91 2f c1 69 26 2d 5e c2   
Error    14:22:59
  4f 2b. Make sure that the certificate is installed to the Local Machine co   
Error    14:22:59
 ntext and that the private key is available.
Fatal    14:22:59
PowerShell script returned a non-zero exit code: 1

Hi Chris,

Thanks for getting in touch!
Octopus and Tentacle run under Local\System user account. If that IIS Express Development Certificate is set to any other user you are going to find issues like this.
Is there any reason you could not setup the certificate on the developer machine the way you have previously on the integration environments?


Just to answer my own question.
If you remove all the white spaces from the Thumbprint it worked.
I am surprised as the other sites query the certificates without this happening.

Thanks for feedback

Yep… deleting the whitespace seems to do the trick http://help.octopusdeploy.com/discussions/problems/16467-ssl-thumbprint