I have successfully set up https IIS configuration for some integration environments but I am now trying to configure for a local developer machine.
I am using the default IIS Certificate (“IIS Express Development Certificate”) that is pre-installed.
I have ensured there is no erroneous space in the Thumbprint
I have tried with * and blank for the IP Address
I am getting:
Finding SSL certificate with thumbprint f6 e3 72 88 b8 50 a1 ea 9f 67 91 2f c1 69 26 2d 5e c2 4f 2b
Error 14:22:59
Could not find certificate under Cert:\LocalMachine with thumbprint f6 e3 72 88
Error 14:22:59
b8 50 a1 ea 9f 67 91 2f c1 69 26 2d 5e c2 4f 2b. Make sure that the certificat
Error 14:22:59
e is installed to the Local Machine context and that the private key is availab
Error 14:22:59
Error 14:22:59
At C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle\Scripts\Octopus.Features.IISWebSite
Error 14:22:59
_BeforePostDeploy.ps1:107 char:14
Error 14:22:59
+ throw <<<< "Could not find certificate under Cert:\LocalMachine with
Error 14:22:59
thumbprint $sslCertificateThumbprint. Make sure that the certificate is instal
Error 14:22:59
led to the Local Machine context and that the private key is available."
Error 14:22:59
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Could not find ...y is availa
Error 14:22:59
ble.:String) [], RuntimeException
Error 14:22:59
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Could not find certificate under Cert:\LocalMach
Error 14:22:59
ine with thumbprint f6 e3 72 88 b8 50 a1 ea 9f 67 91 2f c1 69 26 2d 5e c2
Error 14:22:59
4f 2b. Make sure that the certificate is installed to the Local Machine co
Error 14:22:59
ntext and that the private key is available.
Fatal 14:22:59
PowerShell script returned a non-zero exit code: 1