Linux Support without mono

Are there any plans to support a linux deployment without having the requirement of mono on the box. The reason why I ask this is it would be nice to simply have the ability to ssh into a machine and run a simple bash script to do a deployment. We currently deploy our .net apps through octopus deploy and our java applications via simply ssh / bash. We would love to be able to move this workflow into octopus deploy however without the ability to run without mono is a show stopper.

Thank you

Hi Brent,

Thanks for the question. Currently there are no plans for SSH support without mono. We went with mono so we could reuse our Calamari code base, ensuring that SSH would continue to have feature parity with Tentacle and didn’t become a second class citizen.

SSH support without mono would be really cool though, I would recommend suggesting it on User Voice. There are a few people in our office I know would vote for it.


Hi Brent,

Forgot to add, when .NET core is stable and runs cross platform we will moving from mono to .NET core if that is any help to you.


I’m afraid it doesn’t. Our use case was to simply to try and streamline our current java workflow for deployments into octopus deploy and provide a dashboard to see what versions were deployed. We are just not willing to install mono or .net dependencies on servers to run a deployment. In the initial Linux RFC discussion you stated it would be agentless and not have any dependencies but the end result was not as basic and generic as we had hoped. Thanks for the info though we just have no plans to support .net code on linux and that seems to be your main target.