- Octopus 3.3.20 (in an HA configuration)
- Tentacle running on Ubuntu 16.04.1
I’m running docker on this server, and as part of my deployment for new containers I spawn new child processes to monitor the logs and send them to our Sumologic hosted collector. The deployment step runs my entire deployment script all the way to the end, but then the deployment does not proceed to the next step.
Here’s my logging command (more or less) in case it helps:
sudo nohup sh -c "docker logs --follow=true --timestamps=true ${container_name} | ${REPO_DIR}/bin/watch_docker.sh ${SUMO_COLLECTOR_URL}" & disown
The contents of watch_docker.sh is quite simple as well:
while read data;
curl --data "${data}" $URL -s --retry 5 --retry-delay 1
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!