Hi! Is it possible to deploy a IIS Website with the Kernel Mode “Off” using the “Deploy to IIS” Step Template?
It’s kind of annoying that I have to turn it off and Reset IIS (affecting Production) after every new IIS Deployment.
While we don’t have anything built in to our IIS step that will accomplish this we do have one approach which should work. If you add the below code to your post deploy script it should set kernel mode to off as part of your deployment.
I’m not sure as I don’t really have a test environment that I can use to validate this correctly. As this setting is per site I would have thought that a per site reset would be adequate, rather than requiring a full IIS reset.
If that is the case then it might be worth reading up on Blue/Green deployments in IIS as that would eliminate your outages (at least for deployments).
Sorry that I can’t give you a concrete answer here.