JSON Configuration Variables feature description not correct

I have a project that uses the step “Deploy a Package” to deploy a dotnet core project to a web server, the feature/step “JSON Configuration Variables” didn’t work as described. The step says, “A comma- or newline-separated list of file names to replace settings in…”

I put a comma-separated list of app settings files in and the variables were not replaced.

I changed it to use newline separated and it worked correctly.

Either the description needs updating to not mention comma-separated or, if that needs to be supported, perhaps to inject a variable that contains a list, then the step needs fixing to allow comma-separated values to be passed to it.

Hi Luke,

Thanks for getting in touch! You’re absolutely correct, and I’m sorry about the confusion this has caused. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and I’ve raised this as a bug report at the following link.

Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns moving forward. :slight_smile:

Best regards,
