Hi i have query ,
iam very confused how would i integrate jenkins with octopus deploy , i have created the release in jenkins but iam confused in declaring the post deployemnt step after the release is created this for the local package i request you please help me
Thanks for getting in touch! We have a great documentation page which provides a walkthrough on integrating Jenkins with Octopus Deploy, including creating and deploying releases from Jenkins. You can find it here: https://octopus.com/docs/api-and-integration/jenkins
If our documentation page doesn’t help, can you expand with more details on where you’re hitting the issue? We’ll be happy to help wherever we can 
Best regards,
Hi Kenny,
I have already gone through the documentation but iam stuck near the deploying a release
In Jenkins I have section called the post deployment octopus deploy and post deployment octopus release please find the screenshot:
And post deployment octopus deploy
Can you please let me know how would I declare the parameters please
From: Kenneth Bates [mailto:tender2+d0d6466cdd@tenderapp.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 11:37 AM
To: Jyothiyamini Holla K (ENU) jyothiyamini.k42@wipro.com
Subject: Re: jenkins to octopus deploy [Questions #11392]
** This mail has been sent from an external source **
Hi Yamini,
Can you please confirm which Jenkins plugin you are using?
If you’re using a third-party plugin for Jenkins and Octopus and it’s not working as you expect (like this vistaprint plugin), you may be able to contact the GitHub author and see if they have any advice.
Otherwise there are some helpful sections of the documentation to Create a release using the Jenkins “Execute Windows batch command” tasks, or the Deploying releases section which describes how to modify the Octo.exe
command to deploy to a given environment.
From the screenshots you’ve attached, there are some help icons to the right of each field. They may provide some information on what values you need to provide for each field. That first field is titled “Project Name”, so this should just need the Project Name as it appears in your Octopus Deploy server.
Sorry we can’t be of more help, but this looks like a third-party plugin that we do not control.
Hope this helps