We don’t want the deployer to be able to exclude any deployment steps. Is there any way to do that?
We are using version 4.1.5.
We don’t want the deployer to be able to exclude any deployment steps. Is there any way to do that?
We are using version 4.1.5.
Thanks for getting in touch. If you upgrade to version after 2018.4.0 that feature is available. It’s gives you an option per step to set them as:
This step cannot be skipped at deployment time
when defining the deployment process.
Link: Allow steps to be marked as required (non-skippable) · Issue #4365 · OctopusDeploy/Issues · GitHub
Thanks for your advice Nick. I just upgrade our Octopus to the latest version (v2018.8.12) and I can see the option.
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