Hi, I am trying to install the octopus tfs extension into tfs 2017.2. I keep getting this message:
The task.json file was not found in contribution tasks/CreateOctopusRelease.
I have also tried to install via powershell the manual (not recommended) path, and its still failing. I get
error: Error: Failed to find api location for area: Location id: e81700f7-3be2-46de-8624-2eb35882fcaa
Any hints or tips you can give me would be appreciated. I can install other pacakges and deploy the pacakges via nuget into our Octopus instance fine.
Hi Steven, thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry you have run into this issue.
I have recreated the error locally, so I’ll raise an issue and will work with the engineering team to resolve the problem. I’ll notify you when a new version is available.
I could replicate the error you reported in TFS 2017 Update 1, but the installation works in later versions of TFS. Can you confirm that you are running TFS 2017 Update 2 or above, and if not updating to TFS 2017 Update 3 should resolve the issue for you.
Hi Matt, thanks for the fast response. It was definately on three, so I’ve uninstalled, reinstalled tfs today, and re-ran the upgrade to 3, and now its working fine.