I ran into several problems installing x64 on fresh Windows Server 2012 R2 in Core Mode:
- By default Windows Activation Service (WAC) isn’t installed so Octopus service will fail to start
- Wizard doesn’t create firewall rule so Octopus server won’t be accessible
- In Tools clicking on urls causes exception to pop-up (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005))
Hi Alexander
I know it does work (we’ve got customers who’ve done it already).
When you run tools, at the end it just runs some commands to configure the Octopus Server. If you were to run it on a normal server OS you can choose to “Show Script” at the final step to get those commends.
You’ll likely need to script a few pieces like firewall rules yourself but it does work.
I should probably also point out that officially in our docs we say server core isn’t supported 
Hi Damian,
Once I ran Add-WindowsFeature WAS
Octopus service started properly. Also adding a wildcard firewall rule for ports 80, 443 helped too.
I wish setup could take care of both. At least not to do it blindly for you but to prompt to.
In the rest everything looks working in Core Mode. And always worked since early 2.x!