You’re right. We have 2 deploy nuget package step.
Is for the service.
Is for the common nuget package where we have somelibraries that is dynamic loaded when the service is started. The service isstarted in the final step of the Octopus project.
Let’s assume that:
OctopusTentacle = D:\Octopus\Applications\Test\
-step for OctopusProjectForService1
-Deploy Service1,
-Deploy CommonPackageStep (deploy CommmonLibrary) with custom directory outputon Service2 bin folder,
-Start Service1
-step for OctopusProjectForService2
-Deploy Service2,
-Deploy CommonPackageStep (deploy CommmonLibrary) with custom directory outputon Service2 bin folder,
-Start Service2
-step for OctopusProjectForService3
-Deploy Service3,
-Deploy CommmonLibraryStep (deploy CommmonLibrary) with custom directory outputon Service2 bin folder,
-Start Service3
We have this deploy CommonPackageStep because we don’twant to have direct reference between ServiceX and CommmonLibrary.
All OctopusProjects is deployed into same tentacle.
When this three octopus projects is deployed in parallelon the same tentacle this is happen for our octopus projects:
a)Service1 is drop on OctopusTentacle\Service1\1.0.3\...
b)CommmonLibrary is drop firstly on OctopusTentacle\CommmonLibrary\1.2.7\... andafter that is copied into Service1 bin folder (because custom install directory feature)
a)Service1 is drop on OctopusTentacle\Service2\1.0.3\...
b)CommmonLibrary is drop firstly on OctopusTentacle\CommmonLibrary\1.2.7_1\...and after that is copied into Service2 bin folder
a)Service1 is drop on OctopusTentacle\Service3\1.0.3\...
b)CommmonLibrary is drop firstly on OctopusTentacle\CommmonLibrary\1.2.7_2\...and after that is copied into Service3 bin folder
So for the all b steps for each octopus project we haveconcurrent access issues. (When creating this folders with version_x)
What I want is to modify the initial drop folder forCommmonLibrary to have something like this
a)Service1 is drop on OctopusTentacle\Service1\1.0.3\...
b)CommmonLibrary is drop firstly onOctopusTentacle\Service1\CommmonLibrary\1.2.7\... and after that is coppiedinto Service1 bin folder
a)Service1 is drop on OctopusTentacle\Service2\1.0.3\...
b)CommmonLibrary is drop firstly onOctopusTentacle\Service2\CommmonLibrary\1.2.7_1\... and after that is copiedinto Service2 bin folder
a)Service1 is drop on OctopusTentacle\Service3\1.0.3\...
b)CommmonLibrary is drop firstly onOctopusTentacle\Service3\CommmonLibrary\1.2.7_2\... and after that is copiedinto Service3 bin folder
In this way we will not have concurrent for the b steps anymore.
This is possible in octopus? And in which version?
Thank you.
Andrei Scutariu
On Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:43 PM, Andrei Scutariu <scutariu_and@yahoo.com> wrote:
We have
On Wednesday, November 9, 2016 7:38 PM, Dalmiro Grañas <tender2+dfa09df830@tenderapp.com> wrote:
#yiv3798062562 pre {width:92%;margin:10px 2%;padding:5px 2%;background:#efefef;border:1px solid #d6d6d6;}#yiv3798062562 blockquote {margin-left:0;padding-left:1em;border-left:5px solid #ccc;}