Implement Manual Deploy and Automated Deploy in a single project


I’ve configured a project with 2 steps. I need to run one step as automated (Run as soon as new release occurs) and other step as manual (only deploy when i manually wants to). Is there any way to implement this ?

First step is to host package to a RealTimeHost (Automate Release)
Second step is to host to a QA host (Manual Release)

N.B : Both these host are under same server/Environment

Hi @arunberlin13,

Thanks for getting in touch!

If both of these steps are always going to need to be run then one option would be to add a manual intervention step between them. This will then pause the deployment until you wish to resume it.

The option would be to split these hosts into separate environments and scope the steps to each environment.


Ok…Is there any other logic to implement this ?
For eg. Splitting the hosts in same server to to two different environments.
So that i can click on Manual Deploy in Create Release page.

How about adding another tentacle in the server. So that it can be made into a new environment

If you want to use environment scoping for the steps, all you need to do is add a second environment to the deployment target.

And then scope each step a different environment.

Thanks it worked…

I’ve added another tentacle to the server, Added this tentacle to a new environment and finally scoped each step a different environment.

Glad that it’s working.

It isn’t necessary to use a second tentacle though. The original tentacle/deployment target can have multiple environments assigned to it.

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