IIS -- Set Anonymous Auth Creds to Application Pool identity

Is there any way to set the IIS Anonymous Auth creds to run Octo using the Application Pool Identity? I found these much older post on enabling this feature, but this was a (AFAIK) major rewrite or two ago and I don’t know that the below still applies, or is accurate guidance

Can anyone speak to how to accomplish this?


Hi Casey,

In the built-in step for IIS, you can specify more than one authentication mode.

Is this what you are after?


That’s not quite what I am looking for, but close. What I want to do is change the Anonymous Auth Credentials from running as a Specific User, which is typically IUSR to the Application Pool Identity. See below

Hi Casey,

Unfortunately, we do not have anything out of the box that does this.

The only way to accomplish this is to write a script, it seems this is what you want?

Otherwise, you can also try our slack community channel.

I hope this helps


Thanks. I just wanted to confirm this was still the way to make this change and that we weren’t overlooking anything.

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