I have scale set instances that gets dynamically provisioned and will pull the latest release for applications. However, if a release was unsuccessfully deployed before, Octopus would block that release from being pulled. In events of the instances I would see “Attempted to re-queue the deployment Deploy to Production (#4) but it is in the state Failed”. Is there a way to configure Octopus to allow the pull even if the release failed a deploy before?
Thanks for getting in touch! I imagine the only way to have this release available to be pulled is to manually edit the state of the deployment. This can be done in the UI in the release’s deployment page by selecting Edit state from the overflow menu as shown in the following screenshot.
Not really… my problem is that I need these releases to be pulled even if they’re in failed state. I don’t want the previous deployment status to determine whether they get pulled or not.
Thanks for following up. That’s unfortunate that editing the state of the deployment won’t help. Giving this some more thought, I think what you’re after somewhat contradicts what we’re intending, by ensuring a known working deployment is picked up to be deployed to the newly provisioned machine. However I’m curious as to your use case, and perhaps we can come up with a solution that would work better for you. Why is the release failing to deploy initially, and are you making any changes to this release to ensure it would succeed on the followup deployments?