How to Turn-off or disable "Config-as-code"?

Hi there,
Is there a way or work-around to turn-off CaC once enabled in Version 2022.1.2679?

Hi @harsh_tech,

Thanks for getting in touch! The migration of a project to CaC is currently a one-way transition. We don’t have any options for rolling back or disabling the feature once a project has been converted. You will need to recreate the project you no longer want version controlled.

Let me know if you have any further questions or thoughts here.

Best regards,

@Daniel_Fischer Thanks for quick reply. I can’t get to settings screen due to issues with enabling config-as-code. Is there anyway I can clone the project?

Hi @harsh_tech,

I’m wondering what issues you have encountered while enabling version control for your project? Are you seeing any errors? If I can help you fix the project, you can see how it’s configured and manually create a new project with the same information, only not version controlled.

If the project was committed to your repo, you can also use the ocl files to see how each step was configured, which will help you recreate the project. This is really the only option when it comes to projects you no longer want version controlled.

Best regards,

I am not exactly sure what happened when I enabled CaC but nothing is saved to git and I can not access the project → Process steps or settings as well.


Hey @harsh_tech,

I am sorry this is happening to you since you enabled version control.

Do you know if you set this project up to use a Git Account you set up in Library > Git Credentials:

Or did you set this up in the project itself in Project > Settings > Version Control (which you wont be able to see if you cannot access the project settings)

If you set this up in the project using the Library button (not username/password) the project would have gotten the settings from the Git Account you registered under Library > Git Credentails. If that is the case are you able to look in there and see if the settings for your Git Account are correct.

One quick thing for you to try before sending us some logs is to try and clear out your Git Cache. If you go to Configuration > Git and then Clear Git Cache does that then allow you to access the project?

If it does not the next thing to try is to manually clear out the Git folder on your Octopus Server (C:\Octopus\Git) - you may need to stop the Octopus service if Windows complains it cannot delete a file.

If both of those do not allow you to access that project can you please send us your Octopus Server logs and a HAR file (start the trace from before you click on the project, once you have clicked on it to reveal the error message you can stop the trace).

I created you a secure link here you can send those files to. Let me know when you have uploaded them if the Git clears do not work.

Kind Regards,


Thanks for the details @clare.martin

I have Get Account setup in Library → git Credentials and I rechecked with “Test” button and its all good(green)
I also tried Configuration-> git → Clear Git Cache but that did not help.

I will try manual clearing out of cache.

Hey @harsh_tech,

Thank you for confirming that, as we discussed we are going to set this ticket to solved and will continue to investigate this on this ticket here.

For anyone with this issue please follow the ticket I just linked.

Kind Regards,
