I’m planning to upgrade the Octopus Deploy version from v2018.5.4 to latest v2019.5.4 and below are the steps which I’m gonna use for this change.
- Stop the Octopus Deploy service
- Take the database full backup of Octopus database
- Take the VMWARE snapshot of Octopus deploy server ( Octopus deploy is running on VMWARE VM)
- Install the latest version.
Now I would like to know back-out steps for reverting to previous version v2018.5.4. This is required in-case if we face any issue with latest version. I’m planning to use below steps for this and let me know if these steps are ok or any changes required?.
- Stop the Octopus deploy service
- Restore the database from previous backup which has taken before version upgrade
- Revert the VMWARE Snapshot on Octopus Deploy server which was taken before version upgrade or install v2018.5.4 version. Let me know which option is better.
- Test the application.