Hi Team,
After extracting package from NuGet Server to Tentacle machine. Octopus by default creating path/folder by Environment namewhich has spaces. I was trying to execute “SqlCmd -i $SqlFilePath” which is not allowing the complete path with spaces.
Is there any way so that, I can able to set/create the path by my own way while extracting package into Tentacle machine or SqlCmd will allow $SqlFilePath with spaces?
Thanks for reaching out! The easiest thing here would be to rename the Environment Name. Re-copying everything to another file would require you to write your own custom script, which wouldn’t be the cleanest workaround (not to mention very error-prone).
On a non-Octopus related side note: I did a quick googling and I couldn’t find a strong reference online about sqlcmd not supporting files with spaces. It sounds like you can easily workaround this with a correct use of doublequotes https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4726394/sqlcmd-script-with-spaces-in-filename . But that’s a bit beyond the Octopus support scope