While practicing with Octopus we created many Custom Step Templates and pulled many Community Step Templates to the Library.
How to clean it from the garbage now? It obscures a few items we really need there.
Thank you!
While practicing with Octopus we created many Custom Step Templates and pulled many Community Step Templates to the Library.
How to clean it from the garbage now? It obscures a few items we really need there.
Thank you!
Hi Konstantin,
Thanks for getting in touch.
You can delete step templates from your library by clicking into each step template, going to its Settings tab and you’ll see a Delete button in the right menu. You will not be able to delete these step templates until all references to them have been removed, so if they are referenced by any projects that you’ve been practicing with, you will need to delete those steps from your test projects first.
Hope this helps.
Ok, I see the problem now. “Delete” button is not on the first screen which opens when I click on a template. It hides on the third screen called “Settings”. Not too discoverable, but Ok when you know the trick.